Val-Chris Investments

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Val-Chris Investments

Finding the Right Fit: How to Select the Best Private Money Lender for Your Needs

Private money lenders have several advantages, including greater flexibility and shorter turnaround times than traditional financial institutions. This alternative way of obtaining financing makes sense for many, but there’s quite a lot to consider when looking into private money lending, such as how to find a private money lender that best fits your needs.

Let’s explore the essentials you need to know, starting with what a private money lender is, how to find one, and how to build a relationship to meet your long-term goals.

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Two people sitting at a table and discussing loans while looking over paperwork. Their faces are out of frame.

A Fundamental Guide to Hard Money Lending

In a tight lending environment, banks may raise their standards and restrict lending to reduce risk. This can place entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners in a difficult position. 

Cash flow and unexpected expenses are some of the biggest challenges for growing businesses. Real estate investors facing a competitive property market need to act on potential investments without delay. When the time to fund and qualifications to finance are unreasonable through conventional lenders, hard money loans offer fast, flexible financing with competitive terms to commercial borrowers. 

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4 Commercial Real Estate Investing Mistakes To Avoid

Commercial real estate has always been a lucrative industry. Many people build their wealth by investing in developments they feel will generate heaps of capital. While some are successful, quite a few investors wish they could do things differently. You must find the best opportunity and do your due diligence and homework so you don’t drop the ball on potential properties.

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3 Things To Know Before Investing in Commercial Real Estate

Are you looking for a new lucrative opportunity? Investing in commercial real estate is a great option. Future investors planning to build or expand their portfolios in commercial real estate should know the ins and outs of these investments. Many invest for the income, tax benefits, and business relationships that come with it, but it’s important to understand the key to a successful investment property.

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5 Reasons Why Hard Money Loans Close Faster Than Other Loans

Banks can take weeks to approve your loan and fund it. This delay can be an issue, especially if your project is time sensitive. You can work with private money lenders to avoid putting your project on hold or extending your buying process. At Val-Chris Investments, we believe in smooth and swift transactions that allow you to achieve your dream. Here are five reasons why hard money loans close faster than other loans.

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A Brief Look Into the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022

President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) into law on August 16, 2022. Not to be confused with an Independent Retirement Account, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 helps create opportunities for small businesses and start-ups while making prescription drugs more affordable and lowering health care and energy costs. In this article, we’ll break down the act to take a brief look at the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

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