Val-Chris Investments

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Val-Chris Investments

The True Gist of Higher Interest Rates vs. Lower Prepayment Penalties

When it comes time to take out a loan, you will need to consider many factors. The loan may be for a new car or for a home remodeling project. No matter what it is for, you will need to consider the interest rate and any possible prepayment penalties that come with the loan. While it may seem daunting at first to think about these specialized terms – after all, you’re busy planning to build a new deck – they are easier to understand if you think about one pro and con of each.

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How to know if trust Deed Investing is Right for you?

You may have heard that investing in real estate can produce high returns. And you would be correct. The reason for such high returns is that trust deed investing allows you to charge higher interest rates than a bank might. Doing so reflects the fact that trust deed investing does carry some risk. Not only is trust deed investing profitable, it can also give you a sense of fulfillment; you are helping to benefit the economy by helping someone else to begin or continue their business. However, despite all of the benefits of this investment type, you may still wonder if trust deed investing is right for you.

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4 Reasons Why a Multi-family Investment is Better than a Single-family Investment

Which is a better investment; a single-family property or multi-family one? This is a question that is often asked in the realm of property investments. At first sight, the answer is easy. Both are worthy investments in their own right. Both types of properties will generate cash flow when rented. However, upon closer inspection, differences between the two emerge. With a little digging, the answer as to which is a better investment is clearly evident. Here are four reasons why a multi-family property is better than a single-family one.

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7 Advantages of Trust Deed Investing

Trust deeds are the preferred way to invest for many. Not only do they offer big returns, but they help increase the security of investors due to the fact that they are based on something tangible: real estate. There are many opportunities for both big and small investors where it comes to trust deed investing.

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Reading glasses and pen atop of trust deed

Pros and Cons of Trust Deeds

Whether you’re looking for opportunities to diversify your portfolio or short-term financing for a real estate project, trust deed investments offer distinct advantages. As with any financing, trust deeds also include a certain amount of risk. Understanding the balance of both can allow you to make informed decisions about your options.

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Retirement Planning With a Trust Deed Investment

If you are someone who is currently planning your retirement, the thought of placing your money into an investment can be one that’s fraught with trepidation. This can be especially true if you have kept your savings in an account and have been building interest slowly over time. Of course, placing your money in a bank is a good way to significantly lower your risk, but is there another that you can boost your retirement savings?

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5 Crucial Facts about Hard Money Loans

If you are considering seeking private money loans (also known as a hard money loan), then there are a few important points to consider in the private money lending business. A hard money loan can be a very good option for a borrower who is self-employed, has little or poor credit, or has had a recent bankruptcy or short-sale or foreclosure sale. But private money loans do not work for everyone who needs cash. To determine whether or not a private money loan is the right option for you to take, read on to review five crucial facts to know about private money loans.

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What Is Lien Priority?

The definition of a lien priority may best be understood by explaining part of the mortgage process. A typical home has more than one type of lien. These can include judgment liens, mechanic’s liens and the original mortgage lien that the owner has placed on the property.

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