Val-Chris Investments

3 Strategies for Paying Off a Private Money Loan

Whether you’re paying back a hefty mortgage, paying off a credit card, or making car loan payments every month, your goal is to quickly pay off your private money loans. If you’re late on payments or paying the minimum amount towards your loan, you’re looking at a negative credit report and many extra dollars of interest payments throughout the life of your loan.

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How the Real Estate Market Affects Home Prices

Your clients might be looking for their next homes but wondering how the real estate market affects home prices. When the real estate market changes, it directly influences home prices. Let’s explore a few things to keep an eye on when you’re assisting your clients with their next home purchases.

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The Different Types of Residential Real Estate Loans

There are many properties you can purchase for your real estate investment, but buying residential can provide versatile opportunities. Whether you’re seeking immediate returns or real assets for long-term capital appreciation, residential real estate can add value to your portfolio. 

There are several types of residential real estate loans, but it’s always a good idea to choose one that’s suited to your specific investment project. Let’s examine a few loans to consider for your next venture.

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How Private Money Lending Has Changed the Real Estate Market

There are many roles within the real estate industry that one can participate in, such as real estate agent, investor, and leasing consultant. If you’re an investor, you might be curious as to how private money lending has changed the real estate market. Let’s examine a few ways private lending has helped millions of investors since the late 1950s.

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